salam.. nama saya mizee, newbie FTT dr kota damansara. saya jarang kat sini tp rajin kt my own forum. would like to contribute to fxmalay mmbers.
this is one of my methods which has produce hundreds of pips for me so far. average pips a week :1000 to 2000 pips.
untuk saya, drpd kita focus on satu pair jek, better kita tapau semua pair yg going on same direction at any point of time.
sebab, bila kita trade, we are selling and buying currencies. we are not selling & buying PAIR. kita beli usd, kita jual eur..
bila kita tengok satu dunia is selling USD, kita follow la sell sama. maknaye, we are buying other currencies to let go USD. look at the bigger picture. not only one pair. ni advantage kpd yg trade GJ EJ ang GU. depa ni pacemaker.
imagine forex ni macam sale vincci, padini, seed etc yg sama kompeni. bila dorg buat jualan murah, sume kedai buat potongan harga.. hehhe.
utilizing currency corelation and strength analysis.
super naked trading. tak payah tengok chart.
so far very profitable. Alhamdulillah.
i will slowly reveal the method here. tapi step by step.. please continue reading..
mohon maaf dahulu, kat sini saya takkan ajar macamna nak install script, lukis trendline, fibo exp,fibo retracement, channel etc.
saya tak akan bagi spoonfeed material. As a trader kena belajar utk research the root of forex before sumbat beratus indi dalam MT4 folder.
but I'll guide you how to use the system once you have it in place.
the basic here is the currency strength corelation (no 1)..
impeccable hedging (no 2)
the method is devided into 2 parts:
1: Dominant Curency trade - credit to babufx
single layer or multi layered.
memerlukan analisis pada satu chart shj. trade multi-pair.
2: Pukal - tapau semua yg mana sama trend. (credit to trader101 & SECRET SUCCESS MGMNT SERVICES) . tidak memerlukan chart. cuma price and statistical data daripada DDE. the real data yang buat candle stick tu. sesapa yg selalu pakai indi susah nak terima method ni. candle pon indi tuh. kita tgk price.
saya dah menggunakan method no 1 sejak setahun lepas. method no 2 baru 3 bulan. dua dua nye boleh buat pips hijau dengan banyak nye. Alhamdulillah. bagi saya la sebab sesuai kot. (tak suka indikator)
both system memerlukan script utk bukak and open post. attached ade sample script. please edit. boleh baca kat metaquotes ade tutorial dia. senang jek.. hehehe
mula2 kita fokus kat no 1 dulu. no 2 tu byk details dia. let's look at the simple one first.
totally naked with SnR, range & currency strength meter. tersangat mudah dan tersangat simple, yang penting method ni boleh bagi consistent profit once dah cukup praktise.
tak payah kira wave, tak payah tunggu divergence, tak payah tunggu woodie out of range, wiseman1 wiseman2, dan macam2 lagi.
bukan nak cakap method ni better dari method lain, tapi ianya sesuai untuk dia saya yang nak cepat, nak jelas and nak simple.
i came out with this method selepas bosan dengan semua lagging, dgn adenye S&R, it is somewhat jadi predictive sebab the element of "self fullfilling prophecy"
First sekali, saya nak cerita pasal self fullfilling prophecy. pikir kan contoh seperti ni.
kita ada target nak achieve, and satu team in our workplace is thinking and going for thesame target. what happen here is, disebabkan common goal, the target is acheived.
same thing goes to Market analysis tools. contoh nye, jika kita menggunakan MT4 tools. you go to the higher TF. draw one obvious line yg akan jadi S&R. most likely, other people in this world are drawing the same line too.
so, self fulliling prophecy kick in, dimana, trader akan ada satu perception yg akan influence judgement mereka berdasarkan "line" yang mereka lukis tu.
dgn itu, mereka akan trade according to what they perceived.
katakan dorang lukis channel kat D1 TF. apabila candle menghampiri lower of upper limit of the channel, dorg akan take profit, cut loss, atau OP. dengan harapan apa yg mereka buat analisis tu adalah betul. ianya akan jadik betul setelah majority of traders including big players are drawing the same channel and having the same perception.
dgn perception inilah, saya filter movement mini trend dengan menggunakan currency strength meter. calculated based on range and ratio of 28 pairs of currency. kenapa kena buat benda ni?
contoh. jika kita tengok EURUSD meningkat daripada 1.4000 kepada 1.4400.
adakah ianya disebabkan USD weakening against EUR? ataupon, USD neutral and EUR yg makin kuat?
kenapa satu2 currency tu jadi kuat atau lemah?
bila ramai org dok jual currency tu, dia jadi lemah, bila ramai org dok beli currency tu, jadilah dia kuat. kalau depa jual usd, depa kena beli currency lain, betul?
so, pair movement is interrelated berdasarkan range pair tersebut.
so kita boleh kira. and bagi score dari 0 kepada 9.seperti berikut.
0.0 - 3.0 weak
3.1 - 6.0 neutral
6.1 - 9.0 strong
after kita kira relative strength semua currency tersebut, kita boleh tahu siapakah yang tgah hangat dibeli/dijual at one particular time. mini trend ye.
contoh macam ni saya bagi kat bawah:
currency strength
USD 8.5
GBP 2.5
EUR 1.0
JPY 7.6
NZD 5.0
CHF 3.0
AUD 6.0
CAD 1.5
apa kesimpulan yang kita boleh buat?
USD & YEN are strong. menunjukan market tertumpu beli these currencies.
so kita sebagai trader kecilan, kita follow je lah apa depa buat.
meaning that, kita boleh:
imagine, each pair gives you 10 pips. you trade semua pair ni. berapa dapat?
12 pair darab 10. = 120 pips.
10 pips in my experience, tersangat mudah jika ada extreme condition. maksudnye, strength dia melebihi 7 lawan strength yang kurang dari 3.
untuk NZD, CAD, AUD, CHF.... eventhough dorg ni very weak or very strong, momentum dorg short lived, pendek je.sbb less demand compared tu usd, gbp, jpy and eur. so, jgn terpedaya. just follow the yen
saya guna TF15.
biasanye, bila any of these pair breakout, we shall see others will follow the same pattern.
Meter Reading utk JPY adalah 1.
dekat chart, GBYJPY break resistance. Break bermakna, new candle at TF15 completed and formed above the resistance line. utk setup ni, saya double check daily range. kalau masih within range, saya akan BUY: EURJPY, GBYJPY, CADJPY, NZDJPY, CHFJPY, USDJPY.
how to check range, senang je. dekat chart, tekan F8, common Tab, check Period Separator. then boleh masuk TF H1, measure pakai crosshair dari paling hi kepada paling low in between dotted horizontal line. see attachment.
Money Management
MM masih sama. general rules apply.
untuk scalping: total 10% of your equity. contoh. jika anda OP 7 pair. modal adalah usd1000. leverage 1:500.
kita leh guna margin 100usd. bermakna 100*(leverage) = 50,000. so, leh trade 5 mini lot total. kira le bahagi 7.
untuk intra day. OP pagi japan market. yg ni kita buat layer by layer.
open post 2% of total equity. example, when the pip naik jadik 100 camtuh, add satu lagi layer.
1. scalping multiple currencies. tak payah stick to one pair only.
2. jelas dan nyata mini trend yang ditunjukkan.
3. bagi saya, confidence level tinggi sebab kita follow apa org ramai2 buat.
1. kita kena buat complete set of S&R semua currency pairs.
2. kena tahu average range each currency tersebut.
3. kadang2, bila strength tunjuk extreme condition, we are already too late. trend is over, disebabkan market hit major S&R
Best time to OP
setiap session open.. ada sahabat kita bagi tools somewhere.
Or lepas news whipsaws tu abih.. follow the trend.
Or, at the point of strong weekly S n R, di mana kita bleh expect dia akan bounce. expecially kalau candle baru first time jejak kaki ke situ. ini kira counter trend. agak merbahaya. tapi kalau weekly psychological S&R tu kuat, insyaAllah bounce. kalau dah 2-3 kali price dok ketuk2 S/R tuh, jaga2 sikit. kot kot tembus.
SnR tu adalah Zone. bukan sebatang line jek. kalau tak betul2 lepas, nnt dia patah balik.
make sure, score pada masa nak OP tu, lebih "4" beza antara dua currency tu. macam td ni, GBP 1, USD 5+. kira cukup kuat utk tarik gbp kebawah selepas break support.
example Setup & Result. LIVE account.
dload semua tools and template SnR.
ebook here
any question pls post here. YM me at akugagah baca betul2 ye dulu before asking question
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